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Friday, April 5, 2013

10K Training? I'm Such a Slacker...

This is me after my last 5K.
The Glow Run.
March 23, 2013.
Time 31:18

So I've been saying for a while now that I want to run a 10K.

Actually, I've been saying that I will run a half marathon by the end of this year.

I figure a 10K is a good place to start, though.
My problem is that I hadn't found one to train for. Well, honestly, I hadn't really looked for one until now. So I wasn't all that dedicated to actually training for one.
Apparently I lose all motivation to run consistently unless I have a race coming up. Which basically means that I have to start running a race every month so I keep it up. And, if we're being honest, I actually don't mind that.
In fact, I've already registered for my race this month (it's in two weeks!), and I know which one I am going to register for in May.
But I really want to get that 10K in over the summer so I still have plenty of time to train for a half marathon before October.
Why October?
Because there's a half marathon locally in October and I'm planning to run in that one!
So, since I want to run a 10K over the summer, I have to find one. But the summer gets tricky. That's usually when we travel and go places and do fun things. And we already have some places we are planning to go this summer.
Like to see my best friend
Because she's moving and will only be 15 hours away from me!
So much better than being the entire country away.
And to see a few other friends of ours who moved away a few months ago.
I really miss them!
The baby is getting so big now...
And maybe KBug will get to go see her daddy this summer?
I'm not sure how we'll work that one out.
I'm not sure if any of us can afford a trip all the way up there...
Basically, we have some things going on. And not even just traveling.
I have two huge exams that I have to pass this summer.
One of them is only offered three times a year.
And if I don't pass it, I can't retake it until October.
Which would mean I wouldn't graduate by the end of the summer like I want to.
Plus I have a few other courses I'm going to have to fit in.
And they require a lot of contact hours...
So I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to either schedule a 10K race around those plans. Or I have to do all of my planning around the 10K.
But then there's another option...
Should I find a race in one of the places I plan to travel to?
I'm not so sure about that one because I don't know if running a race in an unfamiliar climate would be such a good idea. Especially a 6.2 mile race. By myself. Because I'm pretty sure no one is going to want to run it with me.
I'm pretty certain I'm the only one of these particular friends who enjoys voluntary torture. Well, I don't consider it voluntary torture, but I'm pretty sure they do. Who knows?
Anyways. So I'm still trying to figure out this whole 10K training thing because I don't have a timeline.
I found one on June 1st a few hours away from where I live. The race starts at 7am. Packet pick up begins at 5:30am. Do I really want to have to drive 2+ hours to pick up a packet at 5:30 in the morning? Not particularly.
But maybe I could drive up the night before? Find a hotel for the night and make a weekend of it? They have good shopping in the area, so maybe GMa, PJP and KBug would want to go with me. Not that they would want to be up to join me at a 7am race, but they could at least go for the shopping?
I'm not sure.
June 1 is also the day after we get out of school. And I'm trying to decide if I think we will be too tired or not. Seriously, this school year has been completely exhausting.
But it could be a nice way to celebrate the end of the school year.
There's just so much to think about for one silly race! I'm not sure how I'll manage to figure it out.
But, in the meantime, I have a 5K to run in two weeks.
Which means that...
I have two miles to run in the morning!
Oh, and I still have to figure out when I'm going to run a 5K with KBug because she really wants to...
Think she could be ready to run one by May 18th?


  1. Girl you 2 can do anything you set your mind too. You look great. I wish I had the motivation to run daily b/c I know I'd feel better bout myself and all.

    I had a cousin who's lost like 100 lbs or so and she runs like crazy. Every marathon around here and surrounding areas she's always in

  2. Newest follower here! I found you through the blog hop. You have a super cute blog, I can't wait to read more. You can find me at


    1. Thanks! I think it's great that y'all are riding in the MS 150! Such a great cause to ride for. Makes me wish I wasn't terrified of riding a bike! I haven't been on a bike in over 12 years. Took a bad fall and don't have the courage to get back on yet.

      Christine :)

  3. I'd run with you!!! I'm doing my first half marathon in November! I've got my first sprint triathlon (OH MY GOD) in 6 weeks!!! I've never ran more than 6 miles, so I really need to start running more after the triathlon. Good luck,

    1. I've read about your Sprint Triathlon! It sounds like so much fun, but I'm terrified of riding a bike... I haven't ever run more than 3.5 miles, so I've got some work to do before I'm ready for a half marathon!
      Good luck with the Triathlon! I look forward to reading your updates! :)

  4. Good luck!! :-) I'm a new follower from Deezy's Pimpin Showcase

  5. Hi Lovely, I'm your newest follower from Blog Hop. Followed you via GFC, Bloglovin' & FB. Love, love, love your awesome Blog!
    Feel free to visit, follow & leave me comments @



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