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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

So WHAT Wendesday!

It's Wednesday! Which means today I am saying so WHAT if:

--my legs are sore as heck. Insanity is amazing and I'm loving it!
--it's 7am and already I want to take a nap today. It may just happen!
--KBug's laundry hasn't been put away since the weekend.
--my laundry hasn't even been folded yet.
So What Wednesday--I have yet to reorganize the kitchen to put away the glassware I brought out of storage. Two weeks ago.
--I bought fabric to make a blanket over two years ago and it's still neatly folded in a storage bin.
--I don't have all of the music memorized for our concert next week. (I have 3/4 of it memorized and that's way more than I can say for most of the other members...)
--PJP's comforter has been at the dry cleaners available for pick-up for a month now.
--I made it three days into The Orange Rhino challenge and had to start over because KBug has been refusing to listen and I lost it. Starting over is okay.
--the Izzy dog has torn another hole in my favorite couch cushion. Maybe I should just give it to her?
--KBug still has pajamas sitting in the middle of my living room floor when I asked her to pick them up yesterday.
--I don't get any sleep tonight because I'm up studying for my test tomorrow because I want to pass so badly.


  1. Hope you get all that done but on your own time of course. and good luck with the test.

    1. Well I did manage to get the comforter picked up. And I got the nap in. But that's as far as I've gotten... LOL

  2. Thanks for following Jen! I've followed you back via BlogLovin and GFC!

  3. Maybe I need to be more like you, and just say so what... I seem to be my own worst enemy lately. I have been following and reading your blog, but don't think I have commented. I love your blog and can relate to SOOO much of what you write.


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