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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

4th of July [Boston]

So technically we began our 4th of July celebration early. How? Well, in Mr. Boston's hometown they have their celebration on the 3rd. Which means that we had our faces painted, dealt with ridiculous teenagers (seriously, since when is mixing alcohol and soda in spray bottles a thing??) and saw fireworks 24 hours earlier than most people.

It was pretty awesome.

We also celebrated on the 4th, though! First off, July 4th is Mr. Boston's birthday so there was no way it wasn't going to be a good day! KBug woke up and gave him a big hug and wished him a happy birthday and was so excited to spend the day with him. (We celebrated with a cake the night before. And the cake ended up all over Mr. Boston's face. Courtesy of me. And then all over my face. Courtesy of Mr. Boston.)
After getting everyone ready and dressing KBug in her adorable dress for 4th of July (you know the one I bought for her last year that didn't fit her until this year??) we hopped in the car to head out to the parade in his hometown. Of course we got there and Mr. Boston remembered that he "forgot" to tell me that there's a 5K that runs before the parade. By then we were watching the last of the runners cross the finish line and I was out of luck.
But we still had a wonderful time watching the parade! It was seriously hot out that morning, even though it was only about 9am, but it was still a lot of fun. KBug watched the floats go by and kept saying she wanted to be in a parade someday. The clowns were a bit much, I think, but maybe that's just because I don't like clowns? Probably.

After the parade, we spent some time at Mr. Boston's aunts house, enjoyed some seriously delicious food and went off to the pool! Let me tell you about our trip to the pool. We decided to walk to the pool instead of driving down there. It's only about a half mile and we were all feeling like a walk would do us some good. So with swimsuits in the backpack and water bottles in hand we set off. When we got there, Mr. Boston and I had to change. He took his suit out of the bag and went off to change. I opened the bag to discover that my swimsuit wasn't in it.
KBug had changed before we left his aunts house. And when we took her suit out, mine was taken out and it wasn't put back in. He offered to walk back to the house to get it, but I insisted that he stay. It made sense to me because he had his suit and could take KBug in the water. So I set off on the half mile walk back to the car.
It didn't take me long, though walking so far in flip flops wasn't the greatest idea and I paid for it later when my calves were killing me. When I got to the car I decided I wasn't making that walk twice more, hopped in and drove back to the pool. Then I changed and joined them in the water. It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun splashing each other and chasing KBug through the water!
After swimming, we headed back to the house, cleaned up and decided to go see a movie. Mr. Boston decided that what he wanted most for his birthday was to take KBug to see Despicable Me 2. She'd been dying to see it, I love the minions and he wanted to just spend time with us, again proving how amazing he is! So off we went to see Despicable Me 2. We all loved the movie and I'm a big fan of all the focus on the minions so we were all happy!
Then we went off to see more fireworks in a neighboring town. Two nights of fireworks!? KBug was ecstatic! And she's completely spoiled and got a light-up butterfly and a fried dough. She was all smiles that night. Especially when Mr. Boston held her on his shoulders so she could see the fireworks because there was a sign in her way!

When we got back to the house that night, KBug and I basically collapsed. We were absolutely exhausted. Mr. Boston was kind enough to stay up late enough to put our second load of laundry in the washer so that when I woke up in the morning, I could fold the first and begin packing while waiting for the second to finish drying.
We had an amazing 4th of July, and Mr. Boston's birthday was perfect! KBug's behavior was amazing, our adventures were awesome and I don't think we could have asked for more!
Check back soon to read about our first day of camping at Canoe River Campground!


  1. Awesome post. A little late but it's awesome. Great pics.

  2. Glad you had such a wonderful time, Christine! Love the dress KBug wears for the parade!

  3. Looks like a blast! Mr. Boston is cute :) I love how he interacts with K <3

    Erin @


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