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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Time Management at 5AM

It's 5am. I've been up since 3:30. This is ridiculous.
I've been having an incredibly difficult time sleeping these past few weeks. I'm stressing over my exam and I know it. I just wish my stress would manifest in some other way. Being dead tired is not fun at all. And it is especially not fun when there's massive amounts of work to be done.
But I guess being awake crazy early in the morning gives me an opportunity to really think about everything. The things that are important, and the things that aren't so important. I don't think I'm going to solve everything, but I at least have some time to gain some perspective and try to figure out some of the smaller things.
My biggest trouble at this point is time management. I'm struggling a lot more than I originally thought I would at the beginning of this school year. Just finding time to complete lesson plans in tricky because I am constantly being pulled in one direction or another. And let's not even mention how behind I am when it comes to planning the wedding.
I need to find a way to put it all together and make it work. Starting with a list of priorities.
Obviously Kaley comes first. And my relationship with Pat is a very close second. Those are the most important things I have in my life right now and I am not about to sacrifice either one to become a workaholic.
But what else do I have going on? Well, there's work. Which wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to find extra time for grading. Oh, and lesson planning. Then there's also cheer team, blogging, working out, housework, laundry, my capstone project and portfolio for school and starting in a week and a half we have basketball games almost every Saturday until the second weekend in March. And don't forget the wedding planning.
Now when I write it all out, it honestly doesn't seem like much. So how is it that I feel as though I am getting nothing done?
I've tried to-do lists and weekly calendars and monthly calendars but I can't seem to remember to actually look at them when I need to. There's always something else going on and I just keep pushing things off.
But I really need to figure things out. I know I do. So I am going to promise, right here and right now, that for the rest of the year I am going to create both weekly and a monthly calendar so I can make sure I'm getting everything in like I need to. And I'm going to write a post each week about my success (or failure) so that you all can keep me accountable.
And I'm going to include more blogging time because I miss writing as often as I was able to over the summer.
And it's a great stress-reliever!

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