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Saturday, June 15, 2013

PJP's Graduation/Mom's Visit [in photos]

Last weekend I wrote about my brother's impending graduation. If you didn't get a chance to read it, you can check it out here. Basically I wrote about the craziness that has been the last ten months of our lives in my house. It has been nothing but chaos since my brother moved in with us, but we have loved every second of it.

Well, almost every second.

It all came down to one major event, though. PJP's high school graduation. And that was last weekend!

As I mentioned in my post last week, my mom flew in for the weekend. How could she miss her baby boy graduating from high school?? She just couldn't! So I picked her up, brought her home and we proceeded to have a fabulous four days of fun! You can check it out in the pictures that follow.

Small Town Carnival:






I am so happy my mom was able to come out here for the weekend. Even though it was only four days, it was four days that maybe I wouldn't have been able to see her if it wasn't for PJP's graduation.
This year I have been able to see my mom twice. And I don't think I'll be able to see her again until next summer. But no matter what, she's my mom. I can call her or text her anytime. I can talk to her about anything and I know she will love me always. Sure, it took us a long time to get to the relationship we have, but I'm glad we finally made it.
And I'm glad we've survived the last ten months with PJP and we all made it to graduation!
without strangling him...


  1. Glad you were able to have lots of family time. I know you were glad your mom was able to come. Great pics. awww the beach. Love love love the beach.

    Congrats to your bro for graduating.

  2. Yay to your brother for graduating. That is always exciting. Its also cool that your mom came. Your pictures are great. What kind of camera do you have? I'm kind of jealous haha I want to go to the beach!


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