1. I learned that I'm actually good at this job. I realized the first day of school that I was going to be just fine, but I was still really nervous about whether or not I was going to be a good teacher. I don't want to be that okay teacher that the kids tolerate from day to day but at the end of the year haven't learned anything from. I want to be the teacher they remember and whose class they enjoy coming to every day.
I have some pretty far fetched dreams, right?
That's absolutely what I thought. But it turns out those dreams aren't so crazy. I have heard from several parents and students that they love my class and they love having me as a teacher. It is so encouraging to hear that middle school students are going home and telling their parents about my class and how much they like it. That's not something most students typically do.
2. I have some amazing co-workers. We have several new teachers at the school this year, but we also have a number of teachers who were there last year. But I had trouble last year with the whole "friends" thing. There were a few reasons for this. One, there weren't many teachers my age. And two, I only worked one day a week. It was tricky. So I spent most of the year on my own, or with Gramma. I did and I didn't mind. But this year, I'm working more. And one of the teachers who is close in age to me is KBug's teacher.
Is it weird that I want to be friends with KBug's teacher?
Well, maybe.
But it's a small school, we work together, and she's an awesome person! We had a work event that we attended last Friday evening and Mr. Boston and I spent some time talking with her and her husband. It was the most social interaction we have had with another couple in months. Literally. We have zero social life. But we are hoping to change that, and I think we might actually have a good chance at it this year!
3. Coordinating the school Mass on Wednesday's is frustrating. It has nothing to do with the students, though. It's the person I have to coordinate with. Unfortunately this person and I have a history. And that history isn't a pleasant one. I have been dismissed from various musical events on several occasions by this person and am continuously being treated like a child. And if I am not being treated like a child, I'm being thrown under the bus for something I didn't do.
It's pretty ridiculous if you ask me.
But, hey, I guess no one did.
I'm doing my best to be cordial and make everything work. But it is incredibly difficult when I'm continually be met with resistance. I will try my best, though, to make it through the year without any unnecessary drama.
4. This one is not entirely school related, but it is in a way. Mr. Boston has been absolutely amazing. I have spent the past two weeks running around all over the place, having to leave in the middle of conversations and having almost zero time to really spend with him. I feel terrible that all of this has taken such a toll on our relationship, but he's really been great about it. He hasn't complained about the craziness that is our schedule, he's willing to help in any way we can and is volunteering at the school several days a week. (*Sidenote: KBug is LOVING having him as a volunteer. She asks every morning if he will be there at recess and to have lunch with her and she gets so upset when he isn't able to make it. It's adorable to see how much she loves spending time with him!)
KBug and I are so incredibly blessed to have him in our lives!
He and I had talked before school began about having an insane schedule, but I honestly didn't imagine how chaotic it was going to be for the first few weeks. I have had impromptu meetings on days that I usually don't. I have had more responsibilities put on me than I was expecting. And trying to keep up with everything is taking much more time than I thought it would. But he's still here. And he's still talking about the wedding. He's still telling me he loves me and that he can't wait for me to be his wife. He's still kissing KBug good night and telling her how special she is. And that means so much to me. I can't imagine what I have done in life to deserve such a wonderful man, but I am so thankful.
There is much more that I have learned in the past few weeks, but I would be here all day. And, unfortunately, I have a long list of things to do today. There's laundry to be folded, dinner to be made, schoolwork to be completed and student grades to be updated. Trust me, there's much more on the to-do list, but that's a good start. Time to get on with it.