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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Parental Alienation? I Don't Think So.

So I've been thinking about this for a while now. Not that I really have time to think about it, but it's somehow still made its way into my thoughts. Frequently. I figured I would just write about it and be done with it.

I've been a "single parent" for several years now. Kaley was under 2 years old when her father and I separated, and just a little over three when our divorce finalized. When we first separated, he was overseas. After being gone a few more months and hardly ever calling to talk to Kaley, he came home.

As soon as he was home, we were sitting down to discuss a separation agreement. We made a few adjustments here and there and sent it back to the lawyer to have it revised so we could sign. One of the things we talked about the longest was his visitation schedule with Kaley.

I tried and tried and tried to give him as much time with our daughter as possible. I didn't want to cut him out of her life because he was her father. I didn't know my father and I felt it was important that she know hers. It's why I decided I would stay here instead of move back home to the west coast. I really wanted Kaley to know her dad.

Despite my protests, he wouldn't agree to more visitation than he had asked for. What had he asked for? Every other Saturday from 10am-8pm and Thursday evenings from 5:30pm-8pm. That's it. That's all he wanted. One evening a week and every other Saturday.

I am not kidding when I say that I offered him a day every weekend. And I offered him a full weekend each month (though he would have brought her home each night because my lawyer stated that it isn't advised in the state to have children younger than age 5 sleep at the non-custodial parents home). I did everything I could to give him as much time with her as possible. I tried my best to let her see her father as much as possible. It was important.

He wouldn't agree. So I let it go because there wasn't much else I could do. We signed the papers with the visitation he had requested and life went on. For the most part he was pretty good about his visitation. Aside from being late on a regular basis, he was really good about showing up every time. He always dropped her off 30 minutes to an hour early, but he still saw her. I figured it was as good as it was going to get and I tried not to argue it with him even though it was an inconvenience to me to have to wait for him to pick her up or be home early for him to drop her off.

Fast forward about 8 months. I'm planning a road trip and he's going away for training for the USMC. They didn't completely coincide, but it was pretty close. We agreed that we would communicate as much as possible and let him and Kaley talk on the phone. It worked out well for the first few weeks, and we actually got to the point where we were more like friends than exes who couldn't stand each other. It was pretty awesome.

When we came back home from our trip, we slid back into the same visitation agreement we had before. But then he was told he was being deployed for a second tour overseas. Ok, let's talk about this.

A few weeks before he left, he and his (now) wife broke up. They were fighting all the time, life was getting complicated and it just didn't seem to be working out. When he found out about the deployment, they decided she would move back home where her parents live. Did this affect me? Not a bit.

Except that all of a sudden, with her more or less out of the picture, we were kind to each other again. It was kind of like having my best friend from high school back. We were able to take Kaley out to dinner and have a good time. We could talk on the phone without arguing. We could spend time together and not want to kill each other at the end of it. We cleaned out his entire apartment and put everything in storage without any ill will towards one another.

It was great. For everyone involved. It was kind of perfect.

For the first several weeks of his deployment, he called a lot. At least twice a week. Communication between us was good and we were getting ready to arrange Skype calls for him and Kaley to keep in touch because what three year old wants to talk on a poorly connected phone call? Certainly not mine!

But then he and his girlfriend worked things out. He stopped calling Kaley. He stopped calling period. And promises of Skype calls became non-existent. It's almost like he completely forgot that our daughter even existed. I tried to email him and find a good time to Skype but nothing ever seemed to work out. I woke Kaley up early and signed into Skype hoping he would call her, but GF was more important and the calls never happened. So on we went with life.

He came home after being gone for 7.5 months and we fell back into the old routine. It only lasted for 3.5 weeks, though, because then he moved away. We met up, discussed a new visitation schedule and child support and signed a new agreement.

Since then we have had nothing but problems. He refused to send child support and I'm the worst person in the world because I went to child support enforcement and he's now forced to meet his obligation. He refused to pay for Kaley's plane ticket to go see him that summer, so she wasn't able to go. And when he asked me to drive her up the week before school started and I said no? Well, that didn't go so well. There was always some issue or another.

He did alright calling once a week to talk to Kaley. But she wasn't very good about talking on the phone (she was only three) and I was blamed for it. I was telling her not to talk to him. I was telling her he didn't love her. I was telling her he was never coming back. No. I wasn't doing any of those things. But I got used to being blamed for them anyways.

Later that year, in a session with Kaley's counselor, I mentioned that her father was starting to harass me. He was texting me and calling me continuously. He was leaving nasty messages on my voicemail and my home answering machine. I never knew what I was going to hear, but I knew it wasn't anything Kaley should hear. Not ever. He also called the house phone repeatedly one evening, until after 9:30 at night making it impossible for Kaley to go to sleep.

Her counselor suggested blocking his number from my cell phone because he was using it inappropriately. He also suggested blocking the number from the home phone because it wasn't a cell phone registered in his name. It was in his GF's name and he was using it to harass me. Therefore I had reason to block the number and refuse calls from it. I even went so far as to change my cell phone number.

Maybe this wasn't the best idea, but it was all I could do to get away from the harassment. If he wished to talk to Kaley, all he had to do was send an email and request it or call from another phone. I didn't tell him he couldn't talk to her. I just made it clear that his actions were unacceptable and would not be tolerated. I wanted Kaley to live in a positive environment, with joy and love and an optimistic view of life and the world.


For months he didn't call. Because he wouldn't find another means to call. And I was blamed for it because I put an end to the harassment. I blocked the phone number for good reason, but I'm still the bad guy. Who else's fault could everything be? Surely not his own. Surely he didn't act childishly.

Eventually he got a new cell phone, registered in his name, and calls began again. But more often than not Kaley would say she didn't want to talk. I don't believe in forcing a child to talk to someone they don't want to talk to. It's not going to do anything but cause resentment and unhappiness. So I never made her talk. Maybe I was wrong for that, I don't know.

I did my best to explain to him that she didn't want to talk because she didn't know him anymore. She'd gotten to the point where she couldn't even identify him in pictures. She needed to see him in order to make the relationship real and worth something to her. I suggested Skype calls. He refused for well over a year. Because he didn't want to have to see me.

I was finally able to convince him to do Skype calls this past January. They have happened fairly regularly, and only been completely cancelled once due to a Facebook post stating they didn't actually want to have the call. But for the majority of the year the calls have taken place at least twice a month.

Recently it's come to my attention that her father and stepmother are telling everyone and their brother that I have alienated Kaley from her father. Apparently I have gone out of my way to ensure that they don't have a relationship. I have made it clear to Kaley that she is not to talk to her father, nor is she allowed to love him. I have told her that he doesn't love her and he moved away because he didn't like her.

No, no, no and NO! I have done absolutely NONE of these things. I have supported Kaley in her love for her father. I have encouraged her to talk with him and get to know him. I have sat through phone calls and Skype calls during which he has made open and subtle derogatory comments about me.

In my heart, I know that I have not always done everything the way I should have. I'm not a perfect parent and I have never claimed to be. But I feel like I have done my best with the situation that was handed to me. I have done my best to make this craziness work for everyone. I have tried to find the good in all of the bad. But it's not easy.

I feel like it isn't my job to ensure that there is a relationship between Kaley and her father. That's HIS job. It is MY job to encourage the relationship. But not to force it upon her. Not to make her hate both him and me because I made her talk to him when she didn't want to. I want her to love both of us, and I want her to love his wife and Pat. But she has to decide to love us all on her own terms.

Kaley's growing up and learning at an incredible rate. She's intelligent and not much gets by her. She's paid attention over the years and I've let her come to her own conclusions. Kaley tells me often that she doesn't think her father loves her because he doesn't show her by coming to visit. She tells me that she doesn't feel like he is her daddy because he isn't here to do anything with her. Kaley says she doesn't want to call him daddy anymore because he doesn't do the things a dad should do.

Actions speak louder than words. I think that's the biggest message I want for Kaley's father to understand. It doesn't matter how much you say you love someone, they have to see it. It doesn't matter how many Skype calls we have, without an actual visit, you're not going to have much of a relationship.

I've accepted that he will never understand this. My truth isn't his truth. Which means that my truth must be the lie. Nothing I ever say is accurate or honest according to him and his wife. And I guess that's just the reality they have to live in to be at peace with the decisions they have made to not maintain a good relationship with Kaley.

I don't want to feel like I've given up, though, because I don't think it's right to give up on people. So maybe I'll just hold out a little bit of hope that maybe someday things can be different. Just a little bit so I'm not completely disappointed. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to say I've witnessed a miracle.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Singing with the Angels

You never really have any idea how much news, whether good or bad, will hit you when it presents itself. Honestly, the news I'm having to digest right now just seems completely unreal to me. Like it's a complete impossibility in my life and everyone is lying. It's unfathomable.

This afternoon I learned that my high school choir teacher has passed away.

Now, some of you are probably reading that thinking "Who the heck cares? She was a high school teacher!" But that's not what's running through my head right now.

Most people float through high school, never attaching to any particular teacher. Why? Because most high school teachers don't take the time to get to know their students. They see them every day for at least 180 days a year but they hardly know who they are. And some don't even bother to learn all of their students names. It's horrifying.

I'll admit that most of my high school career went that same route. Except for choir with Mrs. K.

My freshman year I joined the concert choir. It wasn't anything big or fancy. It wasn't exceptionally challenging. But it satisfied my need to sing. And my fine arts requirement.

I walked in having heard stories here and there about how wonderful the choir teacher was, how much every student she'd ever had loved her and how amazingly talented she was. Basically I walked in just like every other student in that class.

But she turned out to be so much more, and it didn't take long to figure out why. Mrs. K was full of life and energy and unconditional love for each and every teenager who crossed the threshold into her classroom. And trust me, not all of them seemed even tolerable. From the moment I walked in the door I knew I was going to have a great time in her classroom. Her confidence and how easy going she was made me feel at ease and even a little more confident in myself. I didn't know it was possible to feel better about myself just by simply being in the same room as someone.

We had an amazing year in choir that year. I enjoyed literally every single minute of her class. The music she introduced us to, the solos she gave out, the opportunities she provided for us were so much more than I ever imagined were possible for a high school choir. It was truly a blessing to be a member of such an amazing group, conducted by such a knowledgeable and amazing person!

So on I went to sophomore year. That year I decided that I wanted more of a challenge. I decided to audition for a higher level choir and was accepted into her Women's choir. The music was definitely more challenging, with crazy harmonies and more a capella work added into the mix. Talk about pushing us to our limits. But she believed in us! And she always knew we could learn and perform the pieces she selected. And, because of her faith in us, we always were able to come through for her. I know I wanted to because I felt like she deserved it. Mrs. K put all of her effort into her work, so I wanted to give back to her what she gave to me. And our concerts and performances were always our best.

Junior year I was, again, a member of the Women's choir. That was the year I was pregnant with Kaley. We started off the year well! We were learning new pieces, we were all getting along and everything was perfect!

I remember, though, around November she asked me to stay for a few minutes at the end of class. It was my last class of the day so it really wasn't a big deal. So I stayed, trying to figure out what in the heck I had done that she needed me to stay late for.

Someone had told her about my pregnancy. She wanted to be sure her information was correct. And then she did something I never thought a teacher at a huge high school would do.

Mrs. K supported me. She told me she was there for me. She asked if there was anything she could do for me. She said I was always welcome in her choir, no matter what my circumstances.

Talk about completely unexpected and absolutely shocking! I had never had a teacher who cared about me that much. Not once in my life could I pick out a teacher that was willing to support me since I had started middle school. I really didn't know what to do with it except thank her and be on my way.

A few weeks later, she missed a couple of days of school. And then we were all informed that they were running tests to determine what was going on with her. The end diagnosis was cancer.

Bring on the chemo, the radiation and anything else the doctors could think of. She was ready for it. She was determined to beat it.

By the end of that school year, she was still fighting. That was 2006.

I moved away that summer. Every time I went home and school was in session I went to visit her, though. I brought the baby in so she could see her and I sent email updates occasionally. Even after I stopped sending those, I kept up with her progress through the blog she began when she was first diagnosed. It wasn't as much as I could have done, but it was something.

Earlier today I received a mass message on Facebook from someone I used to know in high school. The message was notification of Mrs. K passing away and of a group they are trying to form to perform a concert in her honor. I was in complete shock.

And then it hit me.

The tears started rolling. And I honestly couldn't figure out where they were coming from. But then I thought about it. I thought about how she had truly been my entire high school experience. She was the good in everything, she was the light and the life in my experience. She was there for me. Mrs. K actually cared about her students.

I came across a video (click the link to view) online from a few years ago. It was made when she was given the Teacher of the Year Award in 2011. And it completely summarizes everything she did to make me feel loved and cared for in her classroom. She was my "home" at school, for lack of a better term.

Mrs. K will be greatly missed, by myself and by others. The energy she put into her work amazes me. Her tenacity and her perseverance are completely inspirational. I hope someday I can feel as though I have even half the life and love within me that she had within her.

I love you, Mrs. K, and I am eternally blessed for having been your student.

And I know you're up there singing your heart out with that choir of angels.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

TGIF Blog Hop and Giveaway Linky!

Welcome back to the TGIF Blog HOP!!!
There are 2 Linkys below. The first Linky is where you can post your Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Etc. I ask that you at least follow the Hosts, Platinum Sponsors, and a few others on the list below. Leave them a comment and let them know you found them here and ask them to kindly return the favor. 
The second linky is a GIVEAWAY linky. Post all of your GIVEAWAYS that you currently have running. Use the picture that best represents the giveaway. Maybe visit a few other giveaways and enter them if you'd like. Leave them a comment and let them know you found them here and tell them what your giveaways are. Maybe they'll return the favor. You could also share the link to this hop on your social media sites. Even non bloggers could visit just to enter all the fabulous giveaways. Shoot, FB and Twitter folks could join the hop too even if they don't have a blog.
Let's work together to make this an enjoyable event for everyone.
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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Skype Call Gone Wrong (and a Call with the Sherriff's Department)

I have a huge exam to take tomorrow. I'm stressed over the exam, but there's something else weighing on my mind. It's been there for a while now, and I've sort of addressed it over on the Facebook page, but not to the point where I feel like I've gotten it out of my system.

Several weeks ago, Kaley was having a Skype call with her father. These calls aren't new. We've been holding them roughly every other week since January. It took him a while, but he finally came around to the concept of keeping them consistent, so that's what we've started.

Let's set the stage.

Kaley and I are sitting on the couch, the laptop is up and running and we're waiting for the telltale Skype call ringtone to sound. He's usually pretty good about being on time and this week was no exception. Cue the start of the call.

Now, for those of you who don't know, Kaley has ADHD. She's very easily distracted and often it's a task to get her to stay focused long enough to talk about one topic for more than thirty seconds. Most of these calls consist of flitting from one topic to another, briefly touching on the highlights of each.

After covering the basics (school, the weather, anything fun) we finally hit on a topic she will talk about. She'd recently attended a friends sleepover birthday party.

This friend has been in Kaley's class since they were in preschool. We've known the family for years, and their oldest son is one of my students. I'm familiar with them, Kaley is familiar with them and we trust them completely. I've never seen anything negative from either parent or heard anything that would cause me to worry.

The plan for the party was more than it is for most kids their age, but they are also growing up and times are changing. The girls (there were only 3 in attendance aside from Kaley and the birthday girl for a total of 5 girls) began their party at a local park. They played, the had dinner and the enjoyed cake and ice cream. From there the plan was to go to a hotel where they would open gifts, go swimming and settle in with a movie before it was lights out. The plan for the following morning was breakfast, followed by a trip to the nail salon and then meeting parents back at the local park. Was it more than Kaley is used to? Absolutely. But did I think she could handle it? Of course. And did I think the parents could handle it? There wasn't a doubt in my mind.

When Kaley came home from the party, we talked about it for a long time. She had so much fun and she started in on planning similar events for her own birthday next year! Talk about a kid who just couldn't contain her excitement over the entire event!

Back on the Skype call, the topic was suggested in her conversation with her father. She just went on and on. What about? Not the cake, not the movie, not the park or getting her nails done. She started describing a situation which she hadn't told me about and which was of some interest to her father and I.

What was she describing? A situation in which she and the other girls were at the hotel pool. There was an older man and his 12 year old son also there and she stated that they were being mean to the girls. Kaley told us that they had some toys and the man and his son kept taking their ball away and keeping it from them.

For the first time in years, her father finally truly paid attention to her and seemed interested. I proceeded to ask her a few questions. Was the birthday girls mom around? Were the girls being mean to the man and his son? Were they all playing together? Did birthday girls mom do anything or say anything?

Her answers all seemed alright with me, but I made a mental note to talk with the parent who was in attendance at the time. Apparently, though, I should have done something about it immediately.

Her father, with Kaley still right there on the Skype call, proceeded to lay into me about how I was neglecting our child and that I should have been on the phone with the police and he just went on and on and on. Literally raising his voice at me.

I did my best to tell him calmly that I would look into the situation and let him know what information I was able to gather from the parent. Calm and rational wasn't working, though, because he just kept at it. After about two minutes of this Kaley stomped her way across the house to Gramma's room, announcing that she was never going to talk to her Daddy again. At that point I told him it was either the end of the discussion or the end of the call.

He chose end of call.

So I ended the call because he started to raise his voice again.

Not two minutes later he was trying to call back. I denied the call. He messaged me telling me again that I wasn't taking the situation seriously and I was neglecting our child and that I was wrong to allow her to go to this birthday party.

I messaged him back, told him I was going to look into the situation and I would let him know. Then I signed off.

Now, of course, my first action was to send a message to the parent. I described the situation Kaley had told us about, questioned what had actually occurred and asked if she would provide a logical explanation. In the mean time I decided to put Kaley to bed and tell her we would discuss whether she had to talk to her father again later.

Kaley is a fantastic story teller. She also doesn't always see things the way an adult would. Knowing her the way that I do, and understanding that her perception of a situation could be vastly different than what actually happened, I waited.

What adults see vs. what children see

It wasn't long before I had a message back from the parent who was at the party explaining the situation.

Yes, there was a man and his 12-year-old son. It's a pool. At a hotel. It wasn't likely they'd have it to themselves. The girls had some toys, but they didn't have a ball to play with. The man and his son did. They were kind enough to invite the girls to play. Now, lets look at a young boy and a group of 7 & 8 year old girls. What's their favorite game? Keep away. So the girls would get the ball and not give it back. Then the boy would get the ball and not give it back. No one was being mean in the true sense of the word, but a 7 year old could see it that way.

Not two minutes after I received a response from the parent did the telephone ring. No, not the parent. Nope, not Kaley's father.

The Sherriff's Department.

Seriously?? You couldn't give me enough time to get in touch with the parent like I told you I would? Apparently that's too much to ask for and I'm supposed to be some sort of miracle worker or telepath who can communicate with anyone, anywhere, at anytime. Sorry, buddy, I don't work that way.

I calmly explained the situation to the Deputy, who laughed and understood completely how a child's imagination can get in the way of truly knowing what happened in a situation as he has a 4-year-old himself, and hung up. Oh, I also mentioned that this isn't the first time Kaley's father has called, and it isn't the first false report he's made. The Deputy made note of it and said he'd put it in the file.

I decided to log back in to Skype to clear out the messages I was certain he had sent me. And, of course, there's more. Now I'm childish for ending the call even though he was raising his voice at me. I'm a narcissist because I can't see how a situation like that would affect my child (seriously!? You didn't give me time to investigate the situation!). I'm wrong to trust the parent because obviously they're going to say anything to get out of a situation which could get them in trouble. I'm a terrible parent, blah, blah, blah. It's the usual things I hear from him all the time. I get it.

The aftermath?

Well, I spent the next two weeks trying to convince Kaley that she at least needed to get on Skype. Even if all she did was tell him she didn't want to talk, she had to appear and say it herself. I couldn't do it for her.

In that two weeks Kaley also asked, multiple times, if Pat could adopt her and be her "forever dad".

She also announced to Gramma that she was going to start calling Pat "Dad". And she has been more often than not.

Oh, and she announced that she didn't want to call her biological father "Daddy" anymore.

She wants to call him by his first name.

We've had a call since then, which is another story entirely. I'll update you on that soon. But I wonder if he noticed that during the most recent call she didn't once call him "Daddy"? Or address him by any name at all?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

TGIF Blog Hop (On Saturday. Oops!)

Welcome back to the TGIF Blog HOP!!!
There are 2 Linkys below. The first Linky is where you can post your Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Etc. I ask that you at least follow the Hosts, Platinum Sponsors, and a few others on the list below. Leave them a comment and let them know you found them here and ask them to kindly return the favor. 
The second linky is a GIVEAWAY linky. Post all of your GIVEAWAYS that you currently have running. Use the picture that best represents the giveaway. Maybe visit a few other giveaways and enter them if you'd like. Leave them a comment and let them know you found them here and tell them what your giveaways are. Maybe they'll return the favor. You could also share the link to this hop on your social media sites. Even non bloggers could visit just to enter all the fabulous giveaways. Shoot, FB and Twitter folks could join the hop too even if they don't have a blog.
Let's work together to make this an enjoyable event for everyone.
Thanks in advance!
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Friday, October 11, 2013

Quarter One Status: (Almost) Complete

We are now almost a quarter of the way through our school year. In one week we will have completed the first quarter and the following week will begin the second half of our first semester. These first eight weeks have been ridiculously informative and educational, though. Well, for me anyways.

Grade four is awesome. I have a couple that I worry about in terms of their home life and how that hinders their ability to complete their work, but they have all been doing pretty well. No one is failing. No one has a crazy amount of missing work. They are all well behaved, enthusiastic and ready to learn. Maybe sometimes they get a bit wild, but they're only 9 years old! I can't blame them for just being kids!

Fifth grade. I'm worried about several of these kids and how they will manage middle school next year. The differences between some of the kids in that class astound me. There's a group that makes up about half the class that is absolutely dedicated to completing all of their work on time and submitting it. And then there's the other half of the class who waits until the last minute and then tries to blame everyone but themselves. Well, my homework is always given at the beginning of the week and due at the end of the week. If you didn't sit down and complete it on one of the four available afternoons, that's really on no one but yourself. They'll learn that it's not going to get any easier, I just don't want to see them fail before they figure it out. Unfortunately, though, there's only so many chances I can give them.

Middle school is a beast. I don't think I have ever met a middle school student who actually likes middle school. First off, they're asked to be more responsible. Secondly, they are just entering puberty and hormones are all over the place. And the third thing that creates such stress? Parents. These kids are looking for independence, and I get it. But some of them are frustrated because their parents haven't let go at all, and some of them are crazy with rage because their parents have let go too much. It's not an easy time for any child or parent, I'm aware, and it's a crazy balancing act trying to find what works and what doesn't. But someone needs to figure it out, write it down and sell millions of books on the topic.

Anyways. Sixth grade. These are my middle school babies. And half of them come from a history of bad work habits. But the other half? They're bored and ready to just move on already! Being that their circumstances are so different from last year, there's a lot of hand-holding going on with this group. They're learning and growing and struggling with changing teachers, millions of books, crazy hormones and everything else that comes with being in middle school. It's a tough transition, so I am doing my best to help them get through it as smoothly as possible. Unfortunately, though, in order to help them, they have to want to be helped. And some of them have figured that out and are blossoming into amazingly capable human beings and learning more than they probably imagined they could! But a few of them... Let's just say there's going to be another few weeks of extensive hand-holding.

Seventh grade. They were last years middle school babies. By now they've got it figured out and they've been cut loose and told to swim on their own. I can honestly say that every student in that class is capable of managing their work load and maintaining A's and B's. I can also honestly say that 75% of them don't care about maintaining any grade about a C. As long as they're passing, even if they're hardly holding on, they'll let it go. What's more important? Well, just about everything to them. This class was mine last year, though, and I have higher hopes for them than they do for themselves. I know they can be a good class if they all stop clowning around, sit down, close their mouths and listen! Again, though, they have to want to do that. My solution? If you're not going to sit down, stop talking and pay attention then you go out in the hall, sit by yourself and copy the article we were going to read in class that day or write a prayer over and over until I ask them to rejoin the class. I have already had a few of them who had to do that. It didn't go over too well and they're catching on, slowly, but surely.

And then there's eighth grade. They are literally just off their rocker. They're excited to be at the top and feel special and like they are almost to the end. It's in sight if they can just hold on a little bit longer! But the disrespect they show to themselves, to other students and to their teachers is absolutely appalling. I understand that they're a social group and most of them have been in the same school since Kindergarten so they know how to push each others buttons. But there is a time and there is a place. And in the middle of my class is not it. It wouldn't take much for them to be in my good graces. Come in to class quietly, be prepared, stay quiet unless asked to speak and pay attention and you're golden! I really don't think that's so much to ask. But they're seriously struggling with the concept of appropriate classroom behavior.

At the beginning of the school year, I decided to have a Friday Fun Day every week with all of my classes. Yes, even with my middle school classes because they are still kids. As much as they want to be treated like adults, they still love the same things as little kids. Sports, bubbles, swings, silly jokes. It's all good to them still and I feel like they need to just be allowed to be kids sometimes. So we have Friday Fun Day. Up to this point it has been pretty easy to earn your Friday Fun Day. As long as we get through the weeks lesson, you're golden. Unfortunately, as we move into the second quarter, the more we have to accomplish during the week. This means that the more they goof off, the less likely they are to get Friday Fun Day.

I'm hopeful that they will learn quickly that they don't like losing Friday Fun Day. Honestly, I am expecting that 7th and 8th grade will go two or three weeks without Friday Fun Day before they catch on, but it will be a good lesson to them.

A lot of these kids don't understand just how good they have it at our school. They attend a school where their teachers actually care about them. We want them to succeed, and our middle school team of teachers meets every week to discuss what we can do to help this student or that through a rough patch. We are in constant communication trying to help them in any way that we can. When we need to, we call in parents to discuss grades and/or behaviors we've seen. It's important to us that they succeed.

When 8th grade goes to high school next year, they aren't going to have teachers that dedicate an entire week to completing missing work like I did just last week. They aren't going to have teachers who spend more class time asking one student to be quiet than they do lecturing. They aren't going to have teachers who spend an entire class period talking to them about what is and is not appropriate behavior in a classroom setting. It just doesn't happen. Even in most middle schools, the teachers don't often care enough to try and help them make it through the class period.

We have students who struggle on a daily basis for one reason or another. And if they do their best, we do our best to help them keep going. Because that's what being a teacher is to us. Or at least that's what it is to me. I don't want to just lecture them all the time. I don't want to just let them not turn in work and fail my class. That doesn't teach them anything about life and responsibility. It just teaches laziness.

We need to teach these children how to be adults. It doesn't happen in a day. It doesn't even happen in a year. But we need to teach them as much as we can in the time that we have because society depends on it. Throwing these kids out into the real world after they have had their hand held since they were born isn't going to work. They won't have any idea what they are walking into, and once the realize what they've walked into they'll have no understanding of how to manage it.

My goal for the year is for these students to learn what they need to about the Catholic Church and traditions. But I also want to teach them some valuable life skills so they can be just a little bit more prepared for the life they have ahead of them. I feel that's part of my responsibility as a teacher, and even as a parent to Kaley.

It's important.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wedding Updates [2]

We are finally rolling full steam ahead with the wedding plans! Don't worry, I'm still paying plenty of attention to work and school... They're just not my top choice to write about right now. So I'm going to write about the wedding happenings!

First things first, if you haven't read our engagement story, you can read that by clicking here.
Also, if you didn't catch the first update I wrote, you can check that out here.

Now, on to the new stuff!

I mentioned in my last post that I was going to start calling reception venues to see what we could find. Well, I did start calling. And it was either booked or no one would call me back. I seriously put in calls to every venue in existence in the area. Except one.

A few weeks into our engagement we attended an event for the school that I work for. I instantly fell in love when the venue and immediately began asking questions. When we mentioned that we were looking at a June wedding, we were told that they were booked solid all the way from the beginning of April to the end of June and into July next year. Once we finalized the date as May 31st, I basically gave up on that particular venue believing it to be booked.

After several weeks of calling and being disappointed by a number of places, I decided to just call the venue I originally wanted. I figured it was a long shot, but worth a try because I was seriously on the verge of just saying we weren't going to have a reception. It had been that awful.

So I gave them a call, left a message and we got in touch. And much to my everlasting amazement, they were available that day! I'm not kidding, our wedding day is the only Saturday available in that venue from April until mid-July next year. Talk about meant to be! We discussed price and I asked all of the important questions and said I would get back to them.

It took Pat, Gramma and I all of about three minutes to decide that this was the place and that it must have been meant to be! I called back immediately and we scheduled a meeting for today to draft a contract. This afternoon Pat, Kaley and I made our way over, went over the contract details and signed away. We officially have a reception venue in the middle of downtown! It's gorgeous and I cannot wait to figure out decorations!

What else has been accomplished? A wedding website! I finally put together a wedding website. Eventually I will give the link to everyone who has been invited to the wedding, but for now I've kept it to the bridal party and family. I'm using it as a place to post all of the necessary information they need to know. For example, where do the men go to be fitted for their outfit? And what color shoes do the bridesmaids need? And what color should my mom and Pat's mom be wearing? Yup, that's all on there! Now I don't have to answer the same question via text message from what feels like 17 million different people. Easier on me, easier on them. No one is forgetting anything and no one is forgotten!

Pat and I also decided on a ring bearer. Traditionally the ring bearer is a little boy, but we're going to be untraditional. Our ring bearer is actually going to be his niece. She's seriously one of the sweetest little girls I have ever met and I am so delighted that her mother is willing to let us include her in our ceremony. She and Kaley are going to wear the same dress, Kaley will hold a basket of flowers and Dalayna will walk down with Kaley carrying the rings on a bible. I think it's going to be absolutely adorable!

Our engagement photos came in a couple of weeks ago! If you follow me on Facebook you've seen a few of the photos as I've posted them. I am absolutely thrilled with the way they turned out and Kaci from Sweet Pea Photography did a fabulous job!

Right now I'm fiddling with them a little bit trying to create a Save the Date card that I like. I've made five. And I'm still not sure I have the right design, but I'll share my two favorites up to this point with you. Remember, they are a work in progress and I'm still creating and tweaking!



And that's where we are with our wedding plans right now. Next big task to tackle? Centerpieces and food. Oh, I actually purchased the vases for our centerpieces last night! $1 each from the Dollar Tree. Now to just figure out exactly what it is that I want to do with them....... I'm thinking water and floating, flameless tea lights with ivy!

And now I'll leave you with just a few of my favorites from our engagement photos!

34 weeks, 1 day, 16 hours and 22 minutes

TGIF Blog Hop and Giveaway Link-Up!

Welcome back to the TGIF Blog HOP!!!
There are 2 Linkys below. The first Linky is where you can post your Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Etc. I ask that you at least follow the Hosts, Platinum Sponsors, and a few others on the list below. Leave them a comment and let them know you found them here and ask them to kindly return the favor. 
The second linky is a GIVEAWAY linky. Post all of your GIVEAWAYS that you currently have running. Use the picture that best represents the giveaway. Maybe visit a few other giveaways and enter them if you'd like. Leave them a comment and let them know you found them here and tell them what your giveaways are. Maybe they'll return the favor. You could also share the link to this hop on your social media sites. Even non bloggers could visit just to enter all the fabulous giveaways. Shoot, FB and Twitter folks could join the hop too even if they don't have a blog.
Let's work together to make this an enjoyable event for everyone.
Thanks in advance!
The Hosts and Platinum Sponsor(s) are below. They make this Hop HAPPEN!




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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Kid's VW Beetle GIVEAWAY!

Hosted By: 

Dates: 10/1-10/15
Prize: Winner's Choice of a Pink Fisher-Price Power Wheels Barbie Volkswagen New Beetle for GIRL or Blue Power Wheels Hot Wheels Volkswagen Beetle for BOY.

With Christmas fast approaching I thought it was time to come up with something AMAZING! I have teamed up with some of the coolest Bloggers on the block for all you toddler Mommas out there. All you have to do is enter. It is that simple.
What's the Prize? I'm so glad you asked.
Well, if you have a little girl, you can win a Pink Fisher-Price Power Wheels Barbie Volkswagen New Beetle.

Features realistic VW design that is complimented by fresh, new colors from the Barbie pallet
Vehicle goes 2.5 mph forward and reverse
Power Lock Brake System allows for little girls' safe travel
Driver's door opens and closes
Includes 6-volt battery and charger

If you have a little boy you can win a Blue Power Wheels Hot Wheels Volkswagen Beetle.

Cool, sporty and fun Hot Wheels Volkswagen Beetle
Features cool Hot Wheels graphics
Includes 6-volt battery and charger
Drives 2.5 mph (max.) forward and reverse
Door open and closes for easy in and out

So now for the easy part. Just enter the Rafflecopter below. Some entries can be done once a day. 
Good LUCK!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway Disclaimer:

  • Open to Residents of the Continental US Only. Prizes cannot be shipped to PO Boxes.
  • Winner will be selected by and be notified by email. Winners have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is selected. Please note that Funny Postpartum Lady is responsible for shipment of this prize.
  • My opinions are my own and were not influenced by any form of compensation. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+ are in no way associated with this giveaway. By providing your information in this form, you are providing your information to me and me alone.
  • I do not share or sell information and will use any information only for the purpose of contacting the winner.
  • Must be 18 or older to enter this Giveaway

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