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Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Perfect Balance [Coffee and Conversation]

Coffee & ConversationEarlier this evening I was going through my Reading List on my Blogger homepage and one particular post caught my eye. It was Coffee and Conversation #5 [Struggles in Blog Life]. This post is on a blog called Love. Laughter. Happily Ever After. and is one of my more recent discoveries. This blog is written by a young woman who tells about her life as a newlywed. She doesn't run her blog to make money, but rather to give others an understanding of her life and the life she shares with her husband. It is very personal to her, and her post was absolutely inspiring. So, thank you, Kalyn, for writing such a beautiful post and motivating me to really evaluate my biggest struggle in life right now.

An Unexpected Impact

If you've read my previous post, you know that I have recently spent a couple of hours catching up on one of my favorite television shows, "Army Wives".

Our Easter Sunday

Well, today was Easter Sunday. And we had a fantastic Easter Sunday.

Every year we go to church on Saturday night for the Easter Vigil so that we can enjoy a nice, relaxing brunch at home on Easter Sunday, and this year was no exception.

Our Friday Fun-Day and Holy Saturday Adventures

So I've been away from the blogging world for a couple of days now.... And it's been a very back-and-forth couple of days for our family.

We kicked off our Easter break on Thursday!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A "New Kind of Teen Mom"?

First off, does anyone remember when music videos actually played on this channel? It's been forever. And now MTV has branched off into some truly ridiculous shows. And, let's be honest, we've all watched them at one time or another. (Can we say The Hills? The City? Cribs? Pimp My Ride? Jersey Shore?)

Build a Child Up Today

Third quarter at the school is over and report cards have gone home.

And I'm happy to say that I only sent home one failing grade. I'm not happy about the failing grade, but I'm happy that there was only one of them.

Crazy, right!?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Be True to Yourself

I've spent the majority of the past 36 hours trying to decide if I actually wanted to write this post. It is a hot button topic for a lot of people, but it is one that I have a lot to say about. And I am trying not to deviate from my thoughts and opinions while I run this blog because I believe it is important to remain true to myself. I also believe that everyone has a right to voice their opinion and still retain respect. So I am going ahead with this post because I feel in my heart that it is the right thing to do.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What We Pass Down to Our Children

We all know that we pass things on to our children. Do they inherit all of our traits? No, not necessarily. But it's highly likely that they will look like you, talk like you, do things the way you do, or have the same sensitivities as you.

In my case, there are things that I have that I passed onto KBug that I absolutely love. But there are things that I have passed onto KBug that I wish I hadn't.

Monday, March 25, 2013

What's In A Name?

So I started my day this morning at 5:15am, working on 3 hours of sleep. Trust me, I did not want to get out of bed for anything. But I did it. And I got ready, made breakfast, snack and lunch for KBug, made lunch for me, got KBug dressed and ready for school, woke up PJP and headed out the door at 7:15.

Without my lunch.
Without KBug's glasses.
Without PJP having brushed his teeth.
(seriously, I don't feel like I should have to remind an 18 year old to brush his teeth...but apparently I do...)

I Am A Runner

I know I posted at least once about The Great Glow Run 5K I was running this weekend.... But I'm pretty sure that was all I posted about it.... So I'm going to write a little bit more about it now, as well as my experiences with running in general!

The Great Glow Run 5K was held in my little corner of the world yesterday and it was so much fun! Seriously, there are so many reasons that I had a blast at this 5K.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

What's Your Super Power?

So everyone knows I'm a single mother. It's kind of evident from the name of this blog, I would think. And I want to talk about being a single mother.

I have been a single mother since early 2008 when the Ex-Husband and I split up. There are a number of reasons behind our split, and I feel it was the absolute best decision I could have ever made for KBug and I. She didn't need to grow up in a home where her parents fought all the time and hardly ever agreed on anything. She didn't need to grow up in a home where her father wasn't dedicated to being the best Daddy he could be because he was more interested in the beer bottle in his hand. She didn't need to grow up in a home where she was surrounded by negativity and tension.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Time is Passing By

So we're two-thirds of the way through the month of March in the year 2013. And I'm sitting here thinking

"Wasn't it just 2011, like, yesterday?"

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"Mama and Me"

Life has been ridiculously chaotic over the past few days, let me tell you. But I really don't feel like getting into it on my blog because the situation has passed, it's over and done with and I am moving forward.

Trust me, if I decided not to move forward and chose to write about all the drama on Musings of a Single Mama, I would be here until Christmas just trying to get it all down.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Time to Grow Up

Well, KBug had another call with DD this past week. And she was pretty miserable about it.

I knew going into the call that she didn't really want to talk to him and her enthusiasm level didn't increase any when she got on the computer. I had kind of hoped that it would so that they could have a good conversation, but it didn't happen. And I can tell you why.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Back to Bite Me

Ok, so this blog has actually been a few days in the making.

Well, in my head it has. I haven't had the opportunity to sit down and write it all out until, umm, now. And there's an add-on to it since I originally decided to write it. So here goes.

As I've mentioned previously, I live in a different kind of household. We're family, flesh and blood related, but we're different. KBug and I live with my grandmother, GMa, and my brother, PJP.

Friday, March 8, 2013

It's the Future in One Time Zone, and the Past in Another

It's been a while since I last wrote a blog, so it's time for some updates!

First off can I just tell you all how much I really do not like time zones? And there are a number of reasons. Let's start with this one. Most of my family lives on the other side of the country. Which means that they are either two or three hours behind me in their day. So, lets say that I wake up early and realize I want to talk to my mom about something?

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