So I was going through the photos on my Gramma's computer last night and came across a number of them from KBug's first year of life. The computer I had all of those saved to when she was younger crashed and we weren't able to get them off the hard drive to transfer to my new laptop. I thought I had lost them.
How is it possible that I have lived with my Gramma for over 5 years now and not realized she had these pictures?
Pretty ridiculous, if you ask me.
But now I have them, and I thought I would give you a look at KBug when she was younger. Not that she isn't still young, because I know she is even if I'm beginning to feel old, but she was just so little! It's hard for me to imagine that my little baby is going to be seven years old in just a matter of days. It's beautiful and baffling all at once.