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Friday, July 26, 2013

Canoe River Campground [Boston]

After our 4th of July adventures, we all slept soundly and slept in. Well Mr. Boston and I slept in until about 7:30. KBug slept until almost 9:30. It was pretty awesome except for the fact that she was sleeping and I couldn't fold laundry or pack anything until she woke up. All that meant was a late start to our camping adventure, but it all worked out in the end!

As soon as we decided we were going up to Boston for vacation, Mr. Boston got all excited. We had talked about going camping before and he thought we should go while we were up there. And he knew exactly where we could go camping and immediately set to booking us a site.

He chose a place called Canoe River Campground. When he was growing up his parents would take him and his 6 brothers to Canoe River to camp every summer. They would run and play, swim and fish and earn $.25 each time they filled up the firewood bins at the front of the grounds! He loved it as a kid and wanted so badly to take us there for a couple of nights.

So it was set. We reserved our site and purchased all of the necessary items for camping. Like a tent. And fishing poles for Mr. Boston and KBug.

We finally made it to the campgrounds around noon and checked in. Once we were all checked in, we drove around, located our site and pitched our tent! We were ready to go. Even KBug was having a blast and we hadn't even done anything yet! She loved the site because we had our own picnic table, a giant rock for her to sit on and a small shaded area which she named her "Little Shady Spot".

KBug's side of the tent had a corner for her puppy and his kennel

Our giant rock

After we assembled the tent!

KBug made a dragonfly friend!
After organizing our site, unloading the suitcase from the car and allowing enough time for KBug to set up "her side" of the tent, it was crazy hot and time for a swim! So off to the pool we went! KBug initially wanted to swim in the pond, but decided against it when she saw how yucky it looked and read the sign that said she wasn't allowed to. The pool area was great. Conveniently located by the snack bar, with a kids pool that only went up to 3 feet and an adult pool that went up to 10ft. KBug wanted to go in the big pool, but was careful to stay where she felt safe in the more shallow end. Mr. Boston and I had a great time chasing her around again, but it got difficult when the pool got really crowded so we headed back to the site to grab the fishing poles!


Once we had the poles and bait, we found a bench to sit on so KBug and Mr. Boston could fish. I've never been a big fan of fishing, I usually find it boring, but it was really fun with these two! KBug had a blast with the new Princess fishing rod we bought her and got so excited when she almost caught a turtle. But the turtle and the fish were smart and knew how to steal the worms without getting caught.

That evening we were joined by one of Mr. Boston's brothers and his family. We had met them briefly earlier in the week but I was able to get to know them a little more and KBug got to spend time with their almost 4-year-old son! He is seriously one of the most adorable little boys I have ever met and he adored KBug from the start! Being the big girl that she is, KBug played with him but wasn't so sure about him walking around saying she was his wife and telling everyone he loved her...

The best part of the day, though? BINGO! KBug has played variations of BINGO at school, but never real BINGO so she was excited to see how it worked. I was kind of worried that she would find it boring but she got so competitive and had a wonderful time finding the numbers on all of our cards. It was awesome to see her having so much fun, and she was thrilled to be chosen to pick the winning raffle ticket!

After our long day, we headed back to the site about 9:30. We put our pajamas on, crawled in and crashed. KBug was out pretty quickly and she was out like a light! She'd had a very busy day and was excited to go to the New England Aquarium the next morning!

At that point, I hadn't told her yet that her father was meeting us at the aquarium...

1 comment:

  1. so I have been reading all ur blogs and this Mr. Boston sounds like an amazing man. he took over the roll of being father and that is amazing. why can't more men be like Mr. Boston? You are so lucky to have a man like that and it looks like kbug loves this man and I hope you guys stay happy and kbug enjoys this man.


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