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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

This and That

So if you read my So What Wednesday! post from earlier today, you know that I wasn't all that motivated this morning. But I have good news. I found my motivation!

Honestly? There wasn't any one thing that specifically motivated me to start getting things done. It was just that I needed to do it and I knew it. So I hopped up and started getting things done. Yay me!

Sometimes it's really easy at the end of a school term when I'm finished with my classes (Yay, I passed my marketing paper!) to get really lazy for a couple of weeks while I'm waiting for my next term to begin. So I usually slack off way more than I should, but I'm trying really hard to not do that with the next two and a half weeks. I am only 39 units away from graduation. And I could easily get the work done for 12 of those units in the next two and a half weeks. I wouldn't be able to submit my papers or schedule my test until after June 3rd, but I could be ready to do that as soon as I talked to my mentor. And that would put me at only 27 units left before graduation.

And what's good about 27 units left until graduation? 15 of them are made up from two exams outside the University. I have a 6 unit project management certification exam and a 9 unit exam about a variety of topics Human Resources Managers need to know and understand (training, planning, strategy, employment laws, etc.). So basically I would be left with a whopping 12 units of actual coursework and a lot of studying.

I got this.
But anyways. Back to my lack of motivation turned motivation. Those two loads of laundry? Folded. The million and two papers I had to grade? Graded and entered online. The breakfast consisting only of yogurt? I decided to add a bagel to it. So I actually did get some things done.
Unfortunately my top counter is still a mess. But oh well. It's always going to be, I think, and maybe I'll try clearing it off tonight. It couldn't hurt to say it was clean for at least a few minutes, right? Now to decide if it's really worth it.....
KBug is currently in the bath tub having a wonderful time playing with her toys. She has a bunch of them, too, because she keeps finding ways to sneak toys from her bedroom into the bathroom. I need to figure out when she's doing it so I can catch her in the act and make her put them back, but she's been sneaky so far. And tomorrow I have to go through them and pull out all of the bedroom toys before the bucket gets so full that toys spill over and I'm showering with My Little Pony and Littlest Pet Shop friends!

She had a good day at school today. No problems that she reported, came home and did her homework quickly (thank God because Wednesday Write Night is not always a fun homework night in our home), played outside at Mr. Boston's house for a while, and ate an awesome dinner while curled up next to me on the couch watching The Biggest Loser. Crazy how much she loves that show! She thinks it's so much fun to listen to Bob and Jill freak out on the contestants and to see them change as they go through the show. I think it may have something to do with the fact that it's very similar to what she sees at home with Gramma. About a year ago, Gramma started counting calories and figuring in her exercise from walking around the school seventeen times a day and began her journey to a healthier body and lifestyle. Since then she has lost an amazing amount of weight for her age and health history. We are so incredibly proud of her and are happy to help her continue on he journey until she hits her goals!
In other news.... KBug has a call with her father tonight. She was not at all excited when I told her earlier this afternoon and said "I don't want to talk to him". Well, she's not getting away with that because I'm not going to deal with the whining and complaining from her father for cancelling a call because she doesn't want to talk. I respect her right to not want to talk, but she is going to tell him herself. And she plans to because later when I asked what she was going to talk to him about she said "That I don't want to talk to him." Well, at least she's consistent!
It's kind of sad that she doesn't want to talk to him since the opportunity to talk to him doesn't come up very often. But at the same time I completely understand where she's coming from. KBug's dad hasn't been around in years and is just starting to come back into her life. But since it's been so long and there is no promise of him coming to visit, I think she feels like there's not much of a point. And it's terrible that a child so young can already have so little hope in someone. But, again, it's understandable.
He made his choice and walked away from an amazing little girl. And you know what?
She's figured it out.
I wish I could say that it made our lives easier because she's figured out that he made his own choice, but I really can't. Because it still hurts her everyday to know that Daddy walked away from her to have a new family. Maybe someday it won't hurt her so badly. But until that day, I'll be here, loving her always and reminding her that his decision had nothing to do with her. His decisions were about him.
Because no child deserves to think their parent left because their was something wrong with the child.
Clearly there must be something wrong with the parent.


  1. Sounds like he's missing out on a great young lady. Kbug sounds like a joy to be around. Glad you got your motivation. It's always hard to get it back after you've lost it. I'm sure you'll be glad when you're thru with school and all. Good luck.

    Would love to hear from you.

  2. Glad you got going in your day, and towards graduation. The situation between KBug and her dad is sad and heartbreaking, but I believe she is just protecting herself. If she were excited about him all the time, and got disappointed over and over again it would be very painful for both of you. It was his choice to leave your lives, and now has to live with the consequences.


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