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Thursday, June 13, 2013

CK's 21st Birthday Weekend [In Photos]

Alright, it's been a couple of weeks since I made it home from celebrating my beautiful sister's 21st birthday, so I figure it's about time I share some of the pictures! I could write about it all, but I think the pictures will give you a good enough sense :)

My beautiful sister, all dressed up for her birthday!
"Why are you taking a picture of me!?"
Because it's your birthday and I can!
Love her so much!
I can't believe she's 21!

Left to right: Me, CK (Sister), Sister's Friend, Mom
Yup, that's right. We played pool.
And we were pretty awful at it.
Go us!

I'm pretty good at getting the faces she doesn't want on camera :)

CK and her boyfriend!
And her first official, legal drink!
Look, they love each other!
Love my sister and mom

Watching her get in that tube was the funniest thing!
Laughing at CK's boyfriend for bringing the umbrella to shade him while we stood in the water!
Having a good time!

At the lake!
Her boyfriend held on to that umbrella so he didn't burn his ghostly white skin.
CK's boyfriend is so sweet giving her a kiss on the cheek!
And she's chowing down on some chips.
Going out for a trail ride!

My pretty sister

The horse I rode.

CK working Betty/Diabla in the arena.
Her name changes depending on who you're talking to.
Poor pony.

Just chillin', talkin'

I think Betty/Diabla was ready to get moving...

And that's about it. We didn't go crazy and get ridiculously drunk. We didn't go out three nights in a row. We went out the night of and then took it easy the rest of the weekend. And I had a fantastic time! It was so nice to be able to see my sister. I hadn't seen her in a year. Unfortunately, though, it's likely to be another year or so before I see her again. One of these days I'll make my home back out on the west coast again.

Happy Birthday to my beautiful sister, CK! I can't believe she made it to 21 years old and I can't wait to spend many more birthdays with her!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was a success and a good time. Maybe CK's boyfriend should invest in spf 50. suntan lotion works wonders and i'm pasty white as well.


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