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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Feeling Loved {Liebster Award}

So less than a week ago I was so excited because Stephanie over at Life, Unexpectedly had nominated me for a Liebster award! Following the rules of the Liebster award, I wrote a post with 11 facts about me, answers to her 11 questions, and 11 questions to 11 nominees of my choosing. It was so much fun!

And now, here I am, less than a week later...

And I've been nominated for a second Liebster award by Corey over at Corey's Creative Corner!

Well, I guess it's time to get started...
11 {new} Facts About Me
*I love how much my puppy Trixie loves to cuddle with me!
*My nickname is "Tiney" because when I was little I couldn't say "Christine" so I started calling myself "Tiney"
*When I was learning to talk, I called my mom "Nenny" for a while because my Gramma called my mom "Wendy". They finally figured out why I said "mommy" so funny when I started calling Gramma "Mom" like my mom did and promptly corrected their error.
*I am terrified of KBug's impending teen years.
*I can't stand doing the dishes.
*I re-arrange my house when I get stressed out.
*My monthly calendar only gets updated about three times a year.
*I have really bad test anxiety.
*My iPhone is my favorite accessory.
*I tend to read several books at one time.
*I'm a huge Harry Potter fan!
11 Questions to Answer
1- How long have you had your blog or website?
I have had this particular blog since February of this year. But my posts date all the way back to 2010 because I used to write under a different blog.
2- If you could choose anywhere to live besides where you reside, where and why?
I would live back in California. It's home and I miss it. And I would love for KBug to live where I grew up. Great school system and an amazing church!
3- What is your favorite way to pass time?
Spending time with KBug, reading, blogging or running.
4- If you could star in a Movie or Musical what would it be?
Oh boy..... I love musicals, so to have to pick just one is tricky..... I'm going to say I'd want to star in Beauty and the Beast. It's always been one of my favorites and I loved seeing it on stage when I was a little girl and my Gramma took me!
5- What is your biggest pet peeve?
Not signaling when you're switching lanes or planning to turn.
6- Would you rather bungee jump or sky dive?
Sky dive. I've always wanted to go sky diving.
7- Where's your favorite place to vacation?
Vegas was awesome last year! I would love to go back!
8- Who do you relate more to: Martha Stewart or Rachael Ray?
I really don't know much about either of them, so I'm going to say I don't really relate to either...
9- What is your best joke you ever told or heard?
The best joke I've ever heard or told? I'm not a big joke teller... And there really aren't any good ones that stand out... But I could give you a list of comedians I like! Jeff Dunham, Brian Regan, Maz Jobrani, Jim Gaffigan, Dave Cook... :)
10- What do you wish you had more time for doing?
Everything that runs through my mind when I lay down to go to sleep at night.
11- What is your cup full of: tea, coffee or soda?
Tea. Unsweet.
11 Questions to Nominees
[One] What is one major goal you want to achieve in your lifetime?
[Two] How many children do you want/have?
[Three] Vanilla, chocolate or strawberry ice cream?
[Four] What is your dream job?
[Five] What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
[Six] Do you have a go-to dinner meal? If yes, what is it?
[Seven] How many TVs are there in your home?
[Eight] Do you watch the Super Bowl every year?
[Nine] Name one thing you love but wish you didn't.
[Ten] What's your favorite name for a boy?
[Eleven] What's your favorite social media network?
My 11 Nominees
Karmen @ 2+2=4, and a pup
Brooke @ A New Life
The Crumb Diaries @ Curveballs
Darla @ Mom's World

And there you have it!



  1. You are just too sweet! Thanks for nominating me :o) And congrats to you! It's very exciting!

  2. Awesome! I love Beauty & the Beast. That would be great. I lived in Cali for 2 yrs ... It was beautiful. I had to put a note book besides my bed when my mind won't stop racing. So have that guilt too of what wasn't done or what ideas I get.

  3. Congrats on your award. always fun to do those. but after 5 it gets kinda hard to figure out what to say.

  4. Thanks again on the award and of course congrats to you. In case you want to read the answer to my questions here is the link Have a great week! Thanks for the blogger love!!!

  5. Thanks for the love Christine and congrats to you on the award too! Here's the link to my post.



    Thank you so much! I had so much fun doing this! Above is the link :)


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