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Sunday, April 14, 2013

MHO Monday Mingle [10]


Alright y'all, last one for the night! It's the MHO Monday Mingle [10] hosted by Funny Postpartum Lady and Story of a Girl. This weeks theme is Birthdays!

1.  When is your Birthday?
September 11
2.  Do you normally have a big party?
No. I'm too old for parties by now. We typically celebrate just by going out to dinner.
3.  When are your SOs and kids birthday? Do they fall close together?
KBug's birthday is April 28th and it's coming up fast! And she's my only one, so nothing too close together.

4.  How do you celebrate their birthdays?
We typically spend the day together on her birthday and then have a party the weekend before, of or after for her friends to come over. It depends on what we have available and what day of the week her birthday falls on, though.

5.  If you could have one thing for your next birthday what would it be?
For my next birthday... If I could have one thing... I want to be able to say that I have finished my Bachelor's degree. And that's entirely on me, so I better get going!


  1. Weird your bday and the anniversary for the terrorist attack is on the same day. Yours happened before of course. Hows the planning and all for Kbugs bday going? Good I hope. I know it's gonna be a blast. and I love the theme of course. You can get your bachelors done girl. All you got to do is put your mind to it and believe in yourself.

    1. Yeah, my 12th birthday wasn't all that spectacular. My mom did a wonderful job, though, of making sure I knew it was still my day! She was awesome about it :)
      KBug's birthday stuff is coming along.... If you count doing nothing as coming along.... Lol. It's on my to do list for the week!
      And I'm working on the degree. It's getting there. I've just got a complete mental roadblock on this marketing course. Dragging me down. Not good.


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